Sunday, April 19, 2009

Georgetown University Bows To Obama Against Jesus

How can it be that a CATHOLIC university bow to the demands of an ANTI-Catholic, ANTI-LIFE, ANTI-Religion ANTI-Christ President like Obama? Why did the university do this? Just to gain the "prestige" of having the president of The United States of America speak there? I strikes me as very strange that the White House would demand that the INRI be covered up while Obama spoke at Georgetown University. I am ashamed of this. I am ashamed that no one spoke against this. I am ashamed that the university didn't tell him to buzz off. Right now, I am ashamed to be Catholic. I guarantee that if this had been a Jewish university, Obama wouldn't have had the nerve to make such a demand and I further guarantee that the creep would have been standing there wearing a yarmulke. For that, I applaud the Jewish people for standing up for their religion. The Catholics just bow and bend. Mark my words, this man is pure evil. We had all better pray because we are not in good hands with this administration.

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